Lucianelcielo Rec has been disemboweled, aborted after a long labour lasted nearly 20yy - by Davide Erre and Trevolter with the precious support of No-o. The preambles and intents were/are those of proposing a label
characterized by the need of approaching the emotive/emotional aspects of
his present and latent exponents - members. A common wish to start giving voice
most of all to the ordinary character, alone into his shell, lost and watered down in a mental space - coloured by his sounds.A vehicle for ordinary people that
a i m at b e i n g what t h e y d e s e r v e and f e e l.
Mothertongue lyrics, limited editions, musicians "not
musicians" and wide space to collaborations - bridges between different
cultures. MUSICNOTMUSIC and other forms of expression
as a LIVING need to wish to exist. JoySadnessPleasureDeclineStrengthPrideBoredomDecay AngerLoveMiseryLifeDeathLightShadowAnythingorNothing We feel and share the idea that any form of musical expression, even as irksome as it can be, is nothing but the manifestation of the self way to see life and comprehends the culture and the surrounding environment. Having said this, we believe that it's desirable moving ourselves with flexibility and imagination inside presuppositions which are probably dogmatic and and limiting - but necessary to stem with all of our respect, everybody who's proposing stuff full of self-builded emotion.. We strongly believe in the richness
of the Italian artistic underground (as well as in its total lack of emancipation) and of any other culture. Our contribution will be try to start the disclosure, the metamorphosis...